Cyber Security GDPR and Data Protection : the cyber security basics

Protecting Your Business Data

Protect Your Business’s Data with H2’s GDPR-Compliant Solution, Actifile

Dreaming of an affordable and effective data protection solution for your SME? Actifile is tailored to the unique needs of small and mid-market enterprises, ensuring you comply with GDPR without breaking the bank.

Say Goodbye to Expensive Data Protection Teams

H2 eliminates the need for a dedicated data protection team, saving you valuable resources and reducing costs. Instead, you get access to a live expert who manages your data security and GDPR compliance activities. This expertise comes at a surprisingly affordable monthly subscription rate that won’t strain your budget.

Protect Your Data Smarter, Not Harder

With H2, you can focus on growing your business while we handle your data protection needs. Actifile includes:

  • Insider Threat Detection: Protect your business from internal threats posed by employees
  • Ransomware Protection: Safeguard your data from ransomware attacks that can cripple your operations
  • Digital Forensics: Investigate and resolve data breaches effectively
  • Data Leakage Prevention (DLP): Prevent confidential information from falling into the wrong hands
  • Data Privacy and Compliance: Ensure you meet GDPR requirements and avoid costly fines
  • Automated Encryption: Protect sensitive data with encryption that’s easy to manage
  • Virtual DPO: Gain the expertise of a professional DPO without the full-time costs
GDPR Compliance

Value Proposition

H2 offers all of these features for an incredibly affordable price of £10 per seat. No hidden charges, no add-ons, and no expensive infrastructure costs. Plus, we offer a 30-day free trial to let you experience the benefits first hand. 

Cyber Security Products for SMEs

Protect your SME from the latest cyber security threats; get started with a free quote and risk evaluation from H2 Cyber Risk Advisory Services.


The H2 Cyber Security Suite for SMEs

A Government backed standard for cyber security

A comprehensive assessment of your current cyber security position

Full Protection and Monitoring of your systems 24/7

Get your staff up to speed on current threats and test their awareness

board advisory

Partner with an experienced cybersecurity board advisor

Firewall testing and security protocol penetration testing

Ensure all your data is secure to protect from potential GDPR breaches

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